Android's USB Tethering with VPN

Assuming you clicked on this because you have a “network” with some strict VPN rules, where a limited number of VPNs work, and the GOAT OpenVPN doesn’t work at all, so you need some hacking around to get a proper VPN connection, and yeah I am saying “network” for obvious reasons!
So let’s say that you wanna use a VPN to get a secure connection, without tracing, or just to used a product blocked in your region, in my case I chose NordVPN since it is the fastest cross-platform VPN that works perfectly on Linux, and NO they’re not paying me to say that, I mean I barely got it working due to the “network’s” restrictions.
After watching some reviews and benchmarks, I stuck with NordVPN, but one thing that I’ve noticed, that is their website doesn’t open on my “network”, so I used Browsec on my browser and phone to download NordVPN, oh and Browsec is also great, but it doesn’t have a native desktop application, that’s why I went with NordVPN.
So I got the Android’s version working perfectly without any headaches, but now I wanna get the Desktop version, and there it was the disappointment. Well it could’ve been resolved easily if I used the binary version of NordVPN with some tweaking and be done in ~20mins, but no I need all of my programs managed by portage, that is Gentoo’s package manager, so that I don’t leave any outdated packages, when doing a full system update.
AND here was the catch, the package’s download URI has the same domain as NordVPN’s, where it is blocked on my “network”, so I had to be a bit creative, to save you some trouble, here’s a list of the things that I’ve tried, that weren’t fruitful:

  • This XDA tutorial, IDK I had hopes for it, especially that it only refreshes the firewall’s rules, but it didn’t do anything fruitful.
  • PDANet; since it doesn’t support Linux, and it’s proxy configuration isn’t really working.
  • TetherNet; it just didn’t work, maybe because of Android 13, it just didn’t work.
  • DF Tethering Fix; when this one asked for root access, I was like, “oh hell yeah, it needs root, it must work correctly then”, but no.
  • I tried a couple more apps that didn’t work, and I’m too lazy to list them 👀

Then I found this VPN Hotspot app, it was my holy grail, It requires root (cause real stuff always require root), I didn’t go deep how it works, but it just worked!!!!
And when I saw the new public IP, it was a joyful moment, anyway I proceeded with installing NordVPN from portage, and It worked as expected.

TLDR; Install VPN Hotspot, it needs root, and it tethers your phone’s VPN connection to your computer.