Debugging Rust on the Raspberry Pi Pico

If you have a probe get out, since there’s an official documentation about it :)

Now for debugging, I know I made some drama about it in my previous post, but I just got the Pico, and I was used to the Arduino’s serial thingy built-in to the IDE, so it wasn’t that much to think about, I haven’t used C or MicroPython with the Pico, so I don’t really know what’s the debugging deal with them, but with Rust it was a bit of a hassle.


So my first solution was the one in the rp-hal’s docs, it was working and I could catch the serial signal with a UART or the Pico’s serial, but it was blocking the other pins (or at least that’s what I thought), so I couldn’t use the other pins for basic GPIO stuff, and that led me to search the dark web (not really but I did search for a solution for like 4 hours).

There’s this awesome post by someone on Reddit (it’s always someone on Reddit who posts the real deal), so u/ThatBrokeDave, special thanks for you if you ever came across this blog 🫡

But the problem was from defmt where the code in the example (the template project) used demt_probe which was the reason of blocking the pins, I’m not really sure, but that’s what I saw, so…

Getting into action

Now before we start we need to make sure that cargo run flashes into the Pico directly via a UF2 image, to do that, hop into .cargo/config.toml, and edit the following:

# comment this.
# runner = "probe-rs run --chip RP2040 --protocol swd"
# uncomment this.
runner = "elf2uf2-rs -d"

Now add defmt-serial to the project, since, this was the working thing (with serial)

cargo add defmt-serial

And fugit to use the Hz value for the UART initialization.

cargo add fugit --features=defmt

Finally update the rp-pico hal, to use the into_funtion method on a pin, and, well, to stay updated…

cargo update --package rp-pico

Now let’s get to the code, this is a stop watch code, I should do a stop watch with an actual display and buttons, but again that’s a story for another day.


use core::fmt::Write;

use bsp::entry;
// this is the change needed to utilize the serial defmt.
// use defmt_rtt as _;
use defmt_serial as _;
use panic_probe as _;

use rp_pico as bsp;

use bsp::hal::{
    clocks::{init_clocks_and_plls, Clock},
    // of course we need the uart module from the hal.

use fugit::RateExtU32;

fn main() -> ! {
    let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    let core = pac::CorePeripherals::take().unwrap();
    let mut watchdog = Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
    let sio = Sio::new(pac.SIO);

    let external_xtal_freq_hz = 12_000_000u32;
    let clocks = init_clocks_and_plls(
        &mut pac.RESETS,
        &mut watchdog,

    let mut delay = cortex_m::delay::Delay::new(core.SYST, clocks.system_clock.freq().to_Hz());

    let pins = bsp::Pins::new(
        &mut pac.RESETS,

    // uart declaration
    let mut uart = bsp::hal::uart::UartPeripheral::new(
        // using the first UART channel (pins 0 and 1)
        // pins allocation for UART
        (pins.gpio0.into_function(), pins.gpio1.into_function()),
        &mut pac.RESETS,
        // these configs we'll be using on the serial receiver.
        UartConfig::new(9600.Hz(), DataBits::Eight, None, StopBits::One),

    // a simple stop watch.
    let mut seconds = 0;
    uart.write_raw(b"Timer started:").unwrap();
    loop {
        uart.write_fmt(format_args!("spent {} seconds", seconds))
        seconds += 1;

Run the code with

cargo run --release # release is to reduce the binary's size

Receiving the serial messages

  1. Install minicom via your package manager.
    • example on Gentoo
    sudo emerge -qav net-dialup/minicom
  2. Add your user to the uucp group, so that you can use the serial devices.
    sudo gpasswd -a $USER uucp
  3. Run minicom with the specified configurations above
    minicom -b 9600 -o -D /dev/ttyUSB0
    • -b is for baudrate which was 9600 in the sender UART.
    • -o no initialization for the serial receiver on startup (to use the provided configurations only)
    • -D is the device to use
  4. If you’re on Windows or Mac you can easily Google the steps above.

And the drama is over, thanks for reading till the end.