Linux Stuff

Some Linux Programs

  • (2024-2024)


    A Linux flavored lorem ipsum.

  • (2023-Present)


    A small, free, open-source, blazingly fast dotfiles synchronizer!

  • (2023-Present)


    Gentoo ebuilds finder and installer, finds ebuilds from various overlay repos, and makes the needed changes to install an ebuild.

  • (2019-2020)


    A Gentoo post installer script, inspired from Helmuthdu's AUI, [needs updates for new packages' versions]


Music related projects, not really music but eh they make sound don't they?

  • (2024-Present)


    Create, Share and Play Music Playlists.

  • (2023-Present)

    Jelly LP

    The coolest cloud music player!, make your own cloud music library.

    Coming Soon...
  • (2023-2023)


    Named after General Grievous, where it generates noises from text files or a provided URL, just like how Grievous makes weird noises when he talks

Google Developer Student Clubs

Stuff for GDSC - ASU to solve some problems

  • (2024-Present)

    CP Tools

    Competitive Programming Helper Tools.

  • (2022-2022)

    GDSC - ASU Home Page

    A home page for the GDSC - ASU chapter, that can be customized easily and reused for any other GDSC chapter.

  • (2020-2021)

    GDSC Logo Generator

    My first web project, my Google Developer Student Clubs chapter's lead thought it would be a great idea if we had a logo generator that every other GDSC chapters can use it, so that every GDSC logos look the same in a neat way.

Terminal Games

Some games to play in the terminal

  • (2022-2022)


    Funny story, I saw a snake screen saver, and thought to myself, it would be great if I made a snake game, soon it'll solve itself!

  • (2021-2021)

    Tic Tac Toe

    I was boared again :)

  • (2020-2020)


    Terminal based tetris game, this is my fist Go project ever, I made it because I had nothing else to do.

Misc Web

Some other web stuff

  • (2024-Present)


    A home page or something.

  • (2024-2024)

    HTMX Profile Picture Maker

    Generate an htmx styled (lasered) profile picture!

  • (2024-Present)


    Turn your Markdowns to portable web slides.

  • (2023-2024)

    GitHub Graph Drawer

    A tool that helps typing text on your GitHub contributions graph.

  • (2022-2022)

    Ladder and Snake

    A weird looking Ladder and Snake game.

  • (2022-2022)

    Temco MEP Home Page

    A home page for Temco MEP that displays the services and features the company offers.

  • (2021-2021)

    Shorts Ninja

    My second web project, I was exploring web and I decided to go with the classic hello web project i.e. a URL Shortner.

College Related

Stuff for my faculty

  • (2021-2022)

    Ross 2

    My biggest project yet, Ross is a university contest manager, it manages and automates all contest registration and closure routines.

  • (2021-2021)


    Form to image generator, I made this project because of the lack of digitized forms in my university.